The most comfortable Sex positions

The most comfortable Sex positions

Sex positions have many benefits for couples trying to make each other happy in their relationship. They provide for an intimate and romantic moment, while preventing the two of you from getting tired and frustrated. So what are the most comfortable sex positions? The...
Potency at 40 and 60 years old? Let’s take a look!

Potency at 40 and 60 years old? Let’s take a look!

The potency is extremely important to men of all ages, in life. The truth is, it does not only affect the sexual life of the man as perceived by many, it also affects other body systems such as the urinary and endocrine. Typically male potency issues usually start...
Is erotics needed in relationships?

Is erotics needed in relationships?

Erotics is relationships: Whether you say yes, no or even maybe, the truth is no one answer speaks for everyone when it comes to erotics in a relationship. We all have a different mindsets and how we view these things may not be the same. It’s all a personal...