Men Erectile problems 


Erectile problems or erectile dysfunction are determined by organic and non-organic causes.


Usually there is a connection between these factors.
Psychological and hormonal factors can influence the development of an erection. Let’s see how.

erektilis problem in men

The causes behind erectile dysfunction can be physical and psychological.

And in many cases, there is a connection between these factors. Psychological and hormonal factors can influence the development of an erection.

In our fast-paced world, people have to keep up with many adverse effects.

Most men find it important to have a good sex life, so if it doesn’t work well it will bother them a lot.


But what is an Erection and how does it come about?


Inside the penis are two spongy cylindrical bodies, the erectile tissue.

They run parallel to the penis, exit the pelvis and contain the urethra, through which urine and semen are cleared at the end of the penis.

As a result of sexual stimulation, blood flows to this cylindrical body, which swells and causes an erection. Sexual excitement is accompanied by an erection and an increase in blood circulation.

After ejaculation, excess blood leaves this spongy body (erectile tissue) and the penis returns to its normal size.

Sexual excitement plays a big role in the development of an erection.

– Develops through scents and thoughts

If our thoughts are not there, disaster can come.

Sexual excitement passes from the brain to the autonomic nervous system, increasing penile blood flow and causing an erection.

Erectile dysfunction and erection problems can occur on the disturbance of one of these factors.

The following causes may cause erectile dysfunction:

– Mental or nervous system problems

– Possible Physical and organ problems.

You may have a psychological problem:

– Anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue

– If someone is rude or not well attuned to your partner or love is gone.

This can lead to erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction.

These should be solved jointly by the partners.

Physical or organic problems may include:

– prostate problem
– Hormonal lesions
– cardiovascular disease / responsible for proper blood flow /
– Diabetes and its complications / damaging and weakening the walls of blood vessels, thereby inhibiting blood circulation /
– Excessive alcohol consumption
– Drugs

The appearance of erection problems may be the first sign of the diseases listed above.

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