Love as a Teenager Vs Adult Relationship

Love as a Teenager Vs Adult Relationship

Love, sex, passion, erotica Have you ever wondered if love as a teenager is stronger than love as an adult? As teenagers, we are more vulnerable and prone to falling in love. This goes hand in hand with the fact that love as a teenager may be fueled by hormones, peer...
STRESS AND SEXUALITY – Are these things really related?

STRESS AND SEXUALITY – Are these things really related?

Stress and Sexuality: A lot of people wonder if stress can affect the sexuality of your relationship and the answer is yes. A huge yes! Regardless of what you’re thinking, there are three ways stress can affect your relationship sexuality. Let’s discuss...
Sexuelles Vorspiel

Sexuelles Vorspiel

Sexuelles Vorspiel. Es gibt viele sexuelle Vorspiele, die es wert sind, ausprobiert zu werden. Habe Ich versucht, einige zu sammeln, die wirklich interessant sein könnten. Viele Menschen wiederholen Dinge beim Vorspiel und beim Geschlechtsverkehr. Tu es nicht! Sie...